What is Horizon 8 ESB?

When I stared as a EUC engineer and got to work with VMware Horizon 8 the question about ESB popped up. I’m working for healthcare organizations that are seeking for a stable Horizon platform that is supported by VMware for a longer period of time. That’s why my employer looked for the ESB releases. This blog is about explaining what is ESB and the pro’s and con’s of this version.

Horizon 8 ESB means: Extended Service Branch Horizon 8 product line, this is with App Volumes and Dynamic Environment Manager. The ESB version of Horizon 8, App Volumes and DEM is version 2111.
Horizon ESB components:

How ESB works:

Horizon 8 ESB's receive up to four planned periodic maintenance updates for example: at 6 months, 9 months, 15 months, and 24 months after the base version release, but release dates are not scheduled and are based on need.

Now you are thinking about licensing, for ESB is no special licensing needed, A customer with a license to access the Current Release can also access ESB.

The specific components that will be supported as ESB:

  • Horizon core components.
  • Horizon Client software is not covered by the Extended Service Branch policy.  Current Horizon Client versions will be qualified with Horizon ESB.
  • App Volumes
  • DEM  

Horizon ESB Updates:

According to VMware the ESB releases will get the following updates.

  • Support for the latest Window 10 & 11 (SAC/LTSC) versions.
  • Each update will only contain critical bug, security fixes and new Windows 10 & 11 support, no new features will be added to these updates.
  • Product & features covered as part of the ESB are Horizon Server & Agents, App Volumes (AV), Dynamic Environment Manager (DEM), formerly User Environment Manager.
  • Each App Volumes and DEM will have their corresponding ESB with Horizon 2111 is released with the corresponding ESB update from AV, DEM. AV and DEM recommends customers use the latest maintenance release of the respective products.
  • VMware is committed to supporting Horizon 8 ESB for 3 years. After 3 years, the ESB version will be supported under the technical guidance phase for 1 year.
  • Approximately every 12 months, a new ESB release branch will be available, accumulating features and updates since the previous ESB release.


Why is it different from the Current Releases?

  • There will be no new features in the maintenance updates.
  • ESB customers do not need to upgrade to newer component versions order to receive the fixes.
  • VMware will release new ESB version once a year, Once released, they will be actively supported for 36 months


Upgrade path for ESB:
There are two upgrade options for ESB releases.

  1. Upgrade to the next Extended Release Branch before the end-of-support date of the current ESB.
  2. If you choose to switch to the Current Release branch, you may upgrade as long as the CR you upgrade to is released at the same or later date than the most recent ESB SP update you received.


I hope this blog has given you more information about ESB, if you want more info take a look at the websites below.
Thank you for reading if you have a question, remarks? Please let me know!

Additional VMware information about ESB releases:
VMware information about ESB: Link

VMware Lifecycle: Link

VMware Horizon 2111 Download Page: Link
